2016 中国国际汽车照明论坛(IFAL)参展问卷

问卷概况: 8 个问题 1 页 已被引用 0
亲爱的先生/女士:Dear Sir/Madam:欢迎来到2016第四届中国国际汽车照明论坛(IFAL)的OSRAM展台。为了更好的了解您的需求,在此诚挚的邀请您利用几分钟的时间填写此调查问卷,谢谢! 提交后请到我们现场工作人员处可兑换一份精美的礼品!Welcome to OSRAM booth of 2016 4th International Forum on Automotive Lighting, China (IFAL). In order to be able to understand your needs, Hereby, we sincerely invite you for taking a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire, thank you! Please submit and then give it to a staff to get a souvenir!

Q1:对OSRAM展台的印象Overallimpression of OSRAM booth
非常好 Excellent
很好 Good
不好 Not good
Q2:对展示样品是否满意?How about OSRAM exhibit?
非常好 Excellent
很好 Good
不好 Not good
Q3:对现场解说是否满意?How about on-site demo introduce?
非常好 Excellent
很好 Good
不好 Not good
Q4:对“欧司朗汽车照明OEM”提供的线上介绍和语音解说是否满意?How about online Introduce provided by OSRAM OEM Wechat account?
非常好 Excellent
很好 Good
不好 Not good
Q5:您最感兴趣的产品是?What's your most interested product module?
XLS光导模型XLS Light guide Demo
C+产品展示模组C+ demo
SSL 光源产品展示
LED透镜投射模组LED PES Demo
H18头灯模组 H18 Improved beamperformance and compact headlamp design
ADB 自适应前照灯系统Compact ADB Mock-up:
Osram μLARP展示Osram μLARP Demo
抗疲劳驾驶监控系统Driver MonitoringSystem
激光二极管光纤 Light diffusing fiber by OSRAM Laser Diode
位置灯&制动灯一体化LED尾灯 Synios P2720 Rear Function
RGB混光汽车内饰空调面板RGB ambient lighting
Ostar 2芯和3芯片实现近光模组功能 Ostar lamp Pro H 2 and 3 Chip in a Low Beam
共透镜昼间行车灯&前转向灯 Q-Per Front (TI/DRL-Combo)
Q6:您曾在工作中选用过哪种汽车照明品牌?What's brand auto lampshave been used in your work?
其他 Others
Q7:在您选择产品时什么是最重要的考量因素?What’s the key reasons topersuade you selecting for the products design?
适用性 Applicability
可靠性 Reliability
安全 Safety
经济 Economy
设计 Design
规范 In accordance with specification
其他 Others
Q8:您对未来欧司朗的展台有何期望和意见?Do you have anyexpectations and suggestions on OSRAM booth?

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