
问卷概况: 37 个问题 1 页 已被引用 0

Q1:您当前就读于?what are you currently enrolled in?
高中 High school --Q2
本科 university--Q5
硕士及以上Master degree and above--Q10
已工作 employed--20
Q2:您对于您高考成绩的预估为?What is your prediction of your NEMT score?
一本线以上first-batch and above--Q3
二本线以上一本线以下 above second-batch but lower thanfirst-batch--Q3
三本线以上二本线以下above third-batch but lower than second-batch--Q3
其他 others--Q3
Q3:您认为高考成绩重要吗 Do you think the score of NEMT is important?
重要 Important--Q4
不重要 Not important--Q4
无所谓 Do not care--Q4
Q4:您对于一次高考决定一切的说法怎么看?What do you think of the NEMT will decide everything?
Q5:您怎样看待中国高考教育体系?what do you think of China's NEMT system?
Q6:您的高考成绩是?What was your score of NEMT?--Q6
一本线以上 first-batch and above
二本线以上一本线以下 above second-batch but lower thanfirst-batch
三本线以上二本线以下above third-batch but lower than second-batch
三本线以下 lower that third-batch
其他 others
Q7:您就读于什么大学? Which university are you studying in?--Q7
Q8:您的学校属于985或211等重点院校吗?Does your school belong to 985 or 211 other key institutions?
否 NO
Q9:您的专业是 What is your major?--Q8
Q10:您当前大学几年级? Which year are you currently studying in?--Q9
大一 First year
大二 Second year
大三 Third year
大四 Forth year
Q11:您怎样看待中国高考教育体系?what do you think of China's NEMT system?
Q12:您有继续读研的打算吗?为什么?Do you plan to continue to study further degree? Why?
Q13:您认为大学的选择与将来就业有直接或间接的影响吗?在多大程度上有影响?为什么?do you think the choice of university have directly or indirectly impact on your future career development ? To what extent do you think so?Why?
Q14:您的高考成绩是?What was your score of NEMT?--Q11
一本线以上 first-batch and above
二本线以上一本线以下 above second-batch but lower thanfirst-batch
三本线以上二本线以下above third-batch but lower than second-batch
三本线以下 lower than third-batch
其他 others
Q15:您当前就读于什么学校?Which school are you currently studying in?--Q12
Q16:您当前就读于什么专业?What is your major?--Q13
Q17:您当前的专业是否于大学时就读的专业相同? Are you studying the same major with your university?
Q18:您为何更改您的专业?Why you change your major?--Q15
Q19:您怎样看待中国高考教育体系?what do you think of China's NEMT system?
Q20:您有继续深造的打算吗?Do you plan to continue to study further degree?
有 YES--Q16
无 NO--Q17
不确定 NOT SURE--Q17
Q21:为什么选择继续深造?Why you chose to continue further study?--Q17
Q22:您有实习经历吗?Do you have any internship experience?
有 YESQ--Q19
无 NO--Q18
Q23:您怎样看待您的未来工作发展? What do you think of your future career development?
Q24:您怎样看待您的实习经历与未来工作发展?What do you think of your internship experience and future career development?
Q25:您认为大学的选择与将来就业有直接或间接的影响吗?在多大程度上有影响?为什么?do you think the choice of university have directly or indirectly impact on your future career development ? To what extent do you think so?Why?
Q26:您的最高学历为?What is your highest degree?
高中及高中以下 High school and below--Q23
本科 bachelor degree--Q21
硕士 master degree--Q21
博士及博士以上 doctor degree and above--Q21
Q27:您参加高考的时间为?when did you take NEMT?--Q22
Q28:您的高考成绩为?what was you score of NEMT?--Q23
一本线以上 first-batch and above
二本线以上一本线以下above second-batch but lower thanfirst-batch
三本线以上二本线以下above third-batch but lower than second-batch
其他 others
Q29:您工作单位性质为?what is the quality of your job?--Q24
行政/事业单位Administrative / business
合资(包括外商独资)Joint venture (including wholly foreign owned)
国营(包括集体)State owned (including collective)
私营 privately-owned
境内上市股份公司Domestic listed company
其他 others
Q30:您的工作是否与您的专业相关?Is your job related to your major?--Q25
否 NO
Q31:您的工作年限是?how long have you beefing working?--Q26
1年及以下1 years and below
2-3年 2-3years
4-5年 4-5 years
6-9年 6-9 years
10年及以上 10 years and above
Q32:您的个人月收入为?what is your monthly income?--Q27
2000元及以下 40000yen and above
2001-3000元 40020-60000yen
3001-5000元 60020-100000yen
5001-8000元 100020-160000yen
8001-12000元 160020-240000yen
12001-20000元 240020-400000yen
20000元以上 400000yen and above
Q33:请您对您的工作的满意程度打分?(零分为最低分,十分为满分,十分代表特别满意,以此类推)what is your score for satisfication of your job? --Q28
Q34:是否有换工作或跳槽的打算?do you plan to change or swtich your job?-29
否 NO
Q35:为什么想换工作?why do you want to change your current job?-30
Q36:您认为您的高考成绩对您工作的选择有直接或间接的影响吗?为什么?do you think your NEMT score directly or indirectly affect your choice of job?why?
Q37:您怎样看待中国高考教育体系?what do you think of China's NEMT system?

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