测测你是哪种类型的母亲?What kind of mother would you be?

测评概况: 6 个问题 1 页 已被引用 0
Do you ever wonder what kind of mother you would be?Find out here!

Q1:你想在多少岁的时候有个宝宝呢?When do you want to have your first child?
20~29——Please let me have a child before my old thirties!
30~39——Mature woman makes better Mom.
40——I would wait 100 years if I could!
Q2:你想要几个孩子?How many children do you want to have?
1——Let's start with 1 and we'll see...
2~3——If we don't have too much we can still control them, no?
4——The more, the merrier!
0——No, thanks.
Q3:当你的孩纸哭了,你会肿么办?Your baby is crying, what do you do?
打110报警寻求帮助!Call 911!
先让宝宝哭一会。Let the baby cry for a while.
又饿了?!这个吃货。He's hungry, again?!
让孩子他爸来。Let Daddy take care of him.
Q4:你的孩纸想要只宠物,你会给他什么?Your child want a pet, what kind of do you offer?
仓鼠和兔子 Hamster/Rabbit
喵星人或者汪星人 Cat/Dog
你的意思是我除了照顾他还要照顾他的宠物?!You mean that I have to get a pet in addition to my kid?!
Q5:你的孩子把你的家弄得一团糟,你会肿么办?Your child messed around, what do you do?
他会在日后的人生收到教训的。 He'll be grounded for the rest of his life.
和他沟通并找出他做这些愚蠢事的原因。Talk to him and try to find out why he did stupid things.
"好样的!“这孩子太帅了。"Give Me Five!!" This kid is awesome!
Q6:你会怎样庆祝母亲节?How would you like to celebrate your Mother's Day?
一束鲜花。A bouquet of flowers.
和我的家人一起庆祝。 All day celebration with my family.
我只想静静地休息一天...Please let me have a rest for one day!

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