环境、职业健康和安全入职测评EHS Orientation Test

测评概况: 26 个问题 1 页 已被引用 0
欢迎参加环境、职业健康和安全入职测试 Welcome to the EHS orientation test

Q1:请填写您的姓名 What's your name?
Q2:在公司您享有哪些权利?What rights you have in the company?
知情权 Right to know
紧急情况下逃生 Right to escape
要求赔偿 Right to be compensated
拒绝冒险作业 Right to refuse work in danger
批评权 Right to criticize
冒险作业 Work in danger
Q3:在公司您必须履行哪些义务?What obligations you have in the company?
接受教育和培训 Accept educatin and training
遵守规章制度 Obey the rules and regulation
及时汇报不安全状态 Report unsafeconditions in time
Q4:公司的EHS管理者代表是谁? Who is the EHS management representative inour company?
安波利 Nicolas AMBOLET
王文彪 Timothy WANG
梁春燕 Zoe LIANG
李颖 Lilian LI
Q5:以下哪些是环境因素? Whatare the environment aspects?
能源(水、电、蒸汽) Water,Electricity, Steam
资源(生产原料和辅料) Raw materials and accessories
废水 Waste water
废弃物 Waste
环境噪声 Noise to environment
Q6:以下哪些是可回收生活垃圾?Whatare the recycling life garbage?
纸张 Paper
茶叶 Tea
塑料 Plastic
玻璃 Glass
金属 Metal
果皮 Pericarp
Q7:谁是我们公司的EHS员工代表? Who is the EHS management representative in our compnay?
梁春燕 Zoe LIANG
吴静雯 Jenny WU
魏军会 Edward WEI
钱华艺 Eva QIAN
Q8:公司的第一紧急集合点在哪里? Where is the first emergency evacuation assembly point?
与川桥路平行的草坪上 The lawn is parallel with Chuanqiao road
与金豫路平行的草坪上 The lawn is parallel with Jinyu road
停车场旁边的草坪上 The lawn close to the parking area
Q9:如果您或者您的供应商需要在公司施工,须向EHS人员申请:If you need to perform construction in the company,what you have to apply for from EHS staff?
特种作业许可证 Special work permit
施工许可证 Construction permit
Q10:以下哪些项目属于施工项目? What are the construction projects in following?
设备的安装或拆除 Installation or demolition of equipment
公用设施的安装与拆除 Installation or demolition of facility
建筑物的新建、改建、扩建或拆除 Construction of building
金属焊接 Welding
Q11:如果需要在公司进行特种作业,须向EHS人员申请:If you need to perform special work in the company, what youhave to apply for from EHS staff?
施工许可证 Construction work permit
特种作业许可证 Special work permit
动火证 Fire work permit
Q12:以下哪些属于特种作业? What are the special work in following?
电工 Electricity work
危险化学品操作 Hazardous chemical operation
登高作业(基准面2米以上) Height work (more than 2 meters of base level)
动火作业如焊接、热切割 Hot work like welding, cutting
压力容器操作 Pressure vessel operation
Q13:如果有访客来访,我们需要做以下哪些工作? What we should do if there is a visitor come to PCDC?
到前台大厅去迎接访客,并在访问结束后将访客送至前台大厅 Receive or deliver visitor(s) at lobby
引导访客在前台处观看访客安全录像 Guide visitors to watch the safety video at lobby
访问过程中始终陪同访客 Accompany with visitors always during visit
将访客单独留在公司 Leave the visitors alone in the company
Q14:如果发现安全隐患,应及时向谁汇报? Who you should report to immediately if you find any safety risk?
厂长 Plant director
环境、职业健康和安全管理者代表 EHS management representative
环境、职业健康和安全主管或直线领导 EHS supervisor or your line leader
保安人员 Security guard
Q15:公司的厂医分机是多少? What is the ext. number of fatcory doctor?
Q16:使用灭火器的正确操作步骤是? Whatare the right steps for using fire extinguisher?A.用力按下手柄 Squeeze the handleB.拉开保险销 Pull the safety pinC.取出灭火器 Get fire extinguisher outD.站在上风向,距离火源3米以外,对准火源根部喷射 Aim low and sweep side to side
Q17:公司的七大安全准则有哪些? What are the 7 safety rules?
不在公司任何区域奔跑 Do not run in any area
不在厂区内吸烟。如果需要,在公司门卫旁的指定吸烟区吸烟 Do not smoke in factory. If needed, go to the designated smoking areas nearby the security rooms
上下楼梯紧握扶手 Hold on the handrails on stairs when i go down or up
始终遵守个人防护用品的佩戴要求 Follow the personal protective equipment always
在公司、仓库及其他指定区域穿安全鞋 Wear safety shoes when entering workshops, warehosues and everywhere it is requested to do
不堵塞紧急出口和消防器材 Do not bloke the emergency exit and fire equipment
不屏蔽机器的安全装置 Do not bypass the safety divices of machine
不在公司喝酒 Do not drink in company
Q18:如果您对EHS的管理工作有任何建议或者意见,可向谁汇报? Who you can report to if you have any EHS suggestions?
环境、职业健康和安全主管或直线领导 EHS supervisor or your line leader
厂长 Plant director
部门经理 Dept. manager
Q19:公司的消防控制中心(西门卫)的分机是多少?What is the ext. number of our firefighting control center(west door)?
Q20:您的工作位置在?Where is your seat location?
前台 Receiption
一楼质量部 1F quality office
一楼工程部 1F ENG office
二楼大办公室 2F main office
二楼生产计划办公室2F planningproduction office
3楼 3F
Q21:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
前厅大门 The main door of lobby
工程部维修间逃生门 The emergency exit of ENG repair room
车间 Workshop
Q22:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
前厅大门 The main door of lobby
工程部维修间逃生门 The emergency exit of ENG repair room
车间 Workshop
Q23:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
前厅大门或工程部维修间逃生门 The main door of lobby or the emergency exit of ENG repair room
车间 Workshop
二楼大办公室的两个楼梯直至前台大门 The stairs of 2F main office to emergency exit of lobby
Q24:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
二楼大办公室的两个楼梯直至前台大门 The stairs of 2F main office to emergency exit of lobby
车间 Workshop
生产计划办公室外侧的楼梯 The stairs outside of productionplanning office
二楼更衣室过道 The 2F passage to 2nd changing room
Q25:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
二楼大办公室的两个楼梯直至前台大门 The stairs of 2F main office to emergency exit of lobby
车间 Workshop
生产计划办公室外侧的楼梯 The stairs outside of productionplanning office
二楼仓库 2F warehouse
二楼更衣室过道 The 2F passage to 2nd changing room
Q26:离您最近的紧急出口在哪里?Where is your nearest emergency evacuation exit?
三楼楼梯-二楼楼梯-前台大厅出口 3F stairs-2F stairs-Lobby
三楼实验室-香水间房顶楼梯 3F lab-The stairs to perfume room roof
三楼医务室 3F factory room
二楼更衣室过道 The 2F passage to 2nd changing room

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