The emerging private banking in China

问卷概况: 16 个问题 1 页 已被引用 0
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Q1:Your gender? (您的性别?)
Male (男)
Female (女)
Q2:Your age range? (您的年龄段?)
Q3:Your educational background?(您的教育背景?)
College (大专)
University (本科)
Master/MBA/EMBA (硕士)
Other (其他)
Q4:Your profession?(您的职业?)
Business owner (企业主)
Investor (职业股民)
Gold-collar worker (金领)
Other (其他)
Q5:The banks you have used?(Multiple Choice)(您开过户的银行?可多选)
Bank of China (中国银行)
ICBC (中国工商银行)
Agricultural Bank of China (中国农业银行)
China Construction Bank (中国建设银行)
China Everbright Bank (中国光大银行)
China Minsheng Bank (中国民生银行)
Huaxia Bank(华夏银行)
CITIC Bank (中信银行)
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank(上海浦东发展银行)
Bank of Communications (交通银行)
Zhejiang Bank(浙江银行)
Shenzheng Development Bank (深圳发展银行)
China Merchants Bank (中国招商银行)
Citibank (花旗银行)
HSBC (汇丰银行)
Standard Chartered Bank (渣打银行)
Bank of East Asia (东亚银行)
Other (其他)
Q6:What about your investment confidence?(您的投资信心如何?)
Very confident (非常有信心)
Fairly confident (还算有信心)
No confidence (没有信心)
Q7:What‘s your investment philosophy?(您的投资理念是什么?)
Active investment (积极投资)
Risk aversion (规避风险)
It depends (看情况)
Not active investment (消极投资)
Q8:What is your main present investment direction?(您目前的主要投资方向?)
Real Estate (房地产)
Stock (股票)
Fixed Income (固定收益)
Gold (黄金)
Artwork (艺术品)
Other (其他)
Q9:What is your future investment direction? (你将来的主要投资方向?)
Real Estate (房地产)
Stock (股票)
Fixed Income (固定收益)
Gold (黄金)
Artwork (艺术品)
Other (其他)
Q10:What's your consumption patterns?(Multiple Choice)(您的消费方式?可多选)
Tourism (旅游)
Luxury products (奢侈品)
Collection (收藏)
Children education (孩子教育)
Gift (礼品)
Other (其他)
Q11:Your proportion of investment in the future?(您未来的投资比例?)
Increase (增加)
The same (保持不变)
Decrease (减少)
Q12:Do you tend to high-riskhigh-return investment?(您倾向高风险高回报的投资项目吗?)
Very willing (非常愿意)
Willing (愿意)
General (一般)
Unwilling (不愿意)
Very unwilling (非常不愿意)
Q13:Have you ever used private banking services?(您使用过私人银行服务吗?)
Yes (有)
No (没有)
Q14:What kind of private banking services do you want?(Multiple Choice)(您希望的私人银行服务有哪些?可多选)
Providing superior investment products package (提供卓越的投资产品包)
Higher priority banking services (更优先的银行服务)
Customization services (产品定制服务)
Portfolio Management (投资组合管理)
Providing a unified and convenient accessto obtain the company and the investment bank services to through privatebankingplatform (通过私人银行平台为获得公司,投行服务提供统一的,便利的通道)
Integrated Wealth Planning (综合财富规划)
Property inheritance estate disposition
Personal cross-border financial services(个人跨境金融服务)
Family Wealth Trust (家族财富信托)
Fund Investment (基金投资)
Other (其他)
Q15:If there is investment on luxury brands of private banking services, are you willing to invest it?(如果私人银行服务中有关于奢侈品牌的投资,您愿意投资吗?)
Very willing (非常愿意)
Willing (愿意)
General (一般)
Unwilling (不愿意)
Very unwilling (非常不愿意)
Q16:Which kind of alternative investment are you more inclined to?(您更倾向于哪种另类投资?)
Artwork investment (艺术品投资)
Wine investment (酒类投资)
Watches,jewelry investment (手表,珠宝投资)
Luxury Fashion brand investment(奢侈品牌投资)
Other (其他)

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